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Recommended list of personal items to be taken to a shelter

If you feel that your home is not secure or safe, or if you have been advised by C.E.R.O. to evacuate, go to the nearest shelter.

Shelter list will be published in the News Media or listen to the radio.

Bring the following items to the Emergency Shelter for your heath and comfort:

Flash Lights
Special Foods
(Diet, Baby etc.)
If you have a baby bring diapers and other baby needs
Bring Cots &
Sleeping Bags
Bring books,
games & toys for
small children
Please note:
  1. NO MEALS will be served. Be certain to eat prior to going to shelters.
  2. The Red Cross Society and the St. John Ambulance Brigade will provide first aid services, but will not be equipped to provide hospital care.
  3. Pets may NOT be taken to an Emergency Shelter. Provide food and water in your home or arrange for your pet to be boarded with your veterinarian or kennel.
  4. No intoxicating beverage will be permitted in the Emergency Shelter.
  5. If you are pregnant, contact your physician as to his recommendations for your health and safety.
Information provided courtesy of CERO
2001 JustBajan.com®. Contact: e-mail info@JustBajan.com, Tel: (246) 429-6779